Active Appreciation

Notice. Care. Thoughtfulness. Connect. Presence. Confidence. Lack of Fear. Love. Expression. Empathy. Value. Others. Selfless. Highlight. Elevate. Savor. Smile. Heart. Appreciation.

Recently I attended an event in which the group did an appreciation exercise. For 4 minutes, one of us sat in a chair while 20 peers lavished appreciation on them. Some of the appreciation was small (“you have beautiful hair”) and some of it was BIG (“I notice you are a man of integrity.”).

I was struck by one man in particular. His appreciation was different. The appreciation that came from him was genuine. His appreciation was authentic. I had the impression that the words he spoke weren’t just made up on the spot, it was an appreciation he had already formulated, his words came from a history of noticing. He was simply expressing what he had already appreciated.

His appreciation was beautiful. I wanted to be able to do that. How honoring the person feels with true, authentic and genuine appreciation. I know, I was one of the people receiving appreciation from him. I felt seen. I felt known. I felt appreciated. I felt valued, accepted. All of these things and more. Who wouldn’t want someone to feel that way?

My take away from that appreciation experience is:

  1. Be on the Lookout. Always be on the lookout for things to appreciate.

  2. Care, you appreciate what you value, care about others.

  3. Out it, don’t hold appreciation in, let the person know what you appreciate.

I’m paying attention more to see what others do. I’ve created an appreciation journal and jot down things that I appreciate. And then I find opportune times to share with them my appreciations. It’s a habit I desire to build.